This Post is one of a three part series on the global e-waste problem. Part 1 is an introduction. It exposes the deadly, frightening, poised-to-strike-at-any-moment face of e-waste and then moves on to describe the problem specifically with respect to India. Please get acquainted with the problem of e-waste by reading Part 1 if you haven't already done so. This part (Part 2) examines known solutions to e-waste and what we (i.e. you and me together!) can (and must do) to speed up safe disposal in India on a war footing. Part 3 is for academics and those who want to get into details of e-waste. It's informative, so the reader is invited view Part 3 also, before leaving this Blog.
The dangers of e-waste have been known to the world for quite some years now. There wasn't a feasible solution anywhere in the world till about a decade ago. As a consequence, futurists and environmental whistle-blowers despaired of a proven/ trustworthy solution to save the world from the dreaded effects of e-waste in time.
All these things have changed radically during the last decade and if someone were to ask today "Is there a solution to e-waste?", one is able to answer "Yes!", quite happily.
E-waste is a global issue and our country has only been following the world trend, led by world leader, USA. Due to growing concern and pressure from many quarters about the dangers of e-waste, the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) & United Nations University (UNU) had been working to find a solution for a long time through an initiative called SteP (an abbreviation for 'Solving the e-waste Problem'). In 2009, they were successful in developing a prototype recycling factory for e-waste. Ever since, e-waste recycling factories (based on SteP guidelines) have sprung up all over the world and their numbers have been growing.
In India too, environmental watch-keepers, whistle-blowers, ICT organizations like ASSOCHAM, MAIT and a few groups of private individuals (who had become aware of the threats posed by e-waste earlier on), had been working in the unorganized sector to solve the e-waste problem. In 2009, for the first time, an association of e-waste recyclers was formed. Modest progress has been made by Indian recyclers till date. However, their efforts are highly laudable as they are the only ones who have done anything at all, to deal with the e-waste problem in India so far. As of November, 2014, there were 138 registered e-waste recyclers all over India with a combined capacity of 3,50,000 metric tonnes (MT) per year.
For details of the SteP solution, you can go here.
Is that all that we, concerned citizens of India can do? Surely NOT!
There are many ways to help and we urge you to help in ALL ways that you can! Here's a list of things that we (i.e. you and me) can do to help :
1. Spread awareness about e-waste
e-waste is a huge global and Indian problem at this time, of growing proportions. People all over the world hate it. It's potential to destroy is real. It's effects are severely dreaded. Everywhere, people need to stand together firmly and say "No!" to e-waste. This imperative message needs to be spread across the length and breadth of India quickly! In other words, it must reach every Indian house and citizen ASAP.
You can help by spreading the message among your family, friends, relatives and acquaintances whenever you speak to them, in your own regional language, which is likely to have the maximum effect. Ask each person whom you have enlightened, in turn, to speak to his/ her family & friends.
Some suggestions: You can discuss e-waste at parties, social gatherings etc. You can insert a fancy one-liner in the signature of your email account like, say, "No e-waste in India! Clean it up!!" so that recipients of your email become aware. If you own a visiting card, you can do the same by printing that line on it. There are ever so many innovative ways to reach out to others based on your occupation and location, so I'll leave that out for you to do yourself!
Finally, put pressure on the government (both central & state), your local civic body, MLAs and other government officials to take up the issue of e-waste disposal in India on a war footing. Tell them that whatever has been done for e-waste disposalin India in the past is grossly insufficient. e-waste is piling up by the day in huge quantities while the quantities recycled/ disposed are insignificant, in comparison. If even that isn't enough (to wake them up from their slumber), you can point out that we already have a backlog of over 18 lakh MT of e-waste in India (as of the date of this Post) and if we don't start immediately, we may never catch up!
2. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
I think you are already familiar with the "3 R's", although in a different context. If your house has a living room & two bedrooms, you 'Reduce' by opting to use only one TV (probably in the living room) rather than three - one each for the living room & two bedrooms. You 'Reuse' by continuing to use (and salvage more life from) an electronic gadget/ accessory. A good example is a rechargeable cell. By recharging and using it, you effectively prolong the time after which it will have to be disposed off by several times. When you upgrade your PC, don't get rid of all its parts together. Consider buying only the new CPU-box and using your old monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers with it. You 'Recycle' when you ensure that you send your old electronic gadgets/ accessories to an approved e-waste recycler and not throw it into the trash can, toss it into a stream or river etc. This applies to even small accessories like batteries.
3. Contribute to future Govt funds/ taxes that support recycling activities
Soon, the Government may start working on e-waste seriously. New taxes may be imposed, fund-raising schemes initiated etc. to fund e-waste recycling Projects. Contribute willingly as this cause is one of the most befitting of the present time!
Be quick, stop the ongoing damage to India from e-waste, starting NOW! If you will believe me, there is not a second to lose!! Good luck.

Be quick, stop the ongoing damage to India from e-waste, starting NOW! If you will believe me, there is not a second to lose!! Good luck.

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